Scoliosis: The Modern Approach
What is Scoliosis?
The effects of scoliosis include: poor posture, shoulder humping, muscle weakness, and pain. In rare cases scoliosis can lead to heart and lung problems. Traditionally, a spinal curve is defined by measuring an angle of spinal curvature on a front-to-back view X-ray. To qualify as a scoliosis the curve must exceed 10 degrees. This simple measurement implies that scoliosis is a problem of the spine in just one view. However, scoliosis is really a complex 3-D change of the spine, ribcage and pelvis. Traditional medical treatment in the U.S. is “watchful waiting” for most curves under 25 degrees. This do-nothing approach is frustrating for parents and patients alike who are seeking to be more proactive. This is not the general approach in Europe, for example, where it is commonplace to begin a “physiotherapeutic” program to work to prevent worsening.
Scoliosis Rehabilitation
Scoliosis Specific Exercises: The scoliosis specific approach used throughout Europe is not to be confused with standard physical therapy as practiced in the U.S. These European therapists are trained in methods specific to scoliosis management.
Mechanical Traction: In addition to the specific scoliosis exercises at Modern Chiropractic Center our doctors are trained in advanced principles of applying mechanical traction (stretching machines) to help aid in the improvement of the scoliosis.